Commonly, men simply overlook the importance of caring for their skin. Busy with their activities, proper skin care is easily forgotten. It is not uncommon for men to depend on genetics alone to look good. But, the truth is, to maintain their vitality men need to take care of their skin, too.
Along with Dr. Diwan, we, at The Laser & Skin Surgery Center, encourage you to be proactive when it comes to keeping your skin healthy and refreshed. We offer a number of in-office treatments, but we can also provide you with an at home regimen to support your treatments and keep your skin healthy.
In Office
Procedures that are quick, efficient, and carry little downtime are popular with men. Not wanting their treatment to be “obvious” to others, men opt for treatments that allow them to walk out of the office, ready to return to their day. Here are some suggestions for straight forward, no-fuss treatments.
More and more men are embracing the benefits of Botox—or, as it has been cleverly nicknamed, Bro-tox. Men have thicker skin than women. When deep creases form in the skin they are a bit harder to reverse. Prevention and maintenance are, therefore, the key words to ward off deep lines. By gradually relaxing the muscles that cause skin wrinkles, Botox allows gradual and subtle results to appear while you return to your usual routine– something guys especially appreciate. Botox will keep lines from becoming deep.
Along with thicker skin, men also have larger pores than women. Pore-clogging debris collects in the pores. Microdermabrasion removes the debris lessening the appearance of large pores. It also exfoliates dry surface cells, leaving the skin surface looking smoother and healthier.
Bonus! Regular exfoliation can make for a closer shave—preventing ingrown hairs and razor burn.
At-Home Skin Care
At- home skin care helps enhance and maintain the benefits of your in-office treatments. We help select the essential skin care products for your skin depending on your skin type. We recommend only the best quality, evidence-based skin care for you. Skin care basics include a cleanser, anti-aging anti-oxidant Vitamin C, and sunscreen with zinc oxide, from the most respected brands such as Obagi and Elta MD. Specific problems such as discoloration are addressed with specific products best suited for the individual problems. Proper skin care not only transforms the appearance of your skin, but can also ward off signs of aging.
Don’t forget! Apply sunscreen daily—it is the number one skin care product most of us should use to prevent (and reduce) aging skin.
Skin Care as Unique as you are at The Laser & Skin Surgery Center