It’s back to school for students all over the Westlake area. Plans are made for the year ahead—schedules fall into place, plans with friends are made, and the perfect wardrobe is carefully chosen. Acne, however, is not what most boys and girls plan for. Unfortunately, for many tweens and teens alike, acne will flourish as they go back to school.
Still in the early days of fall, now is a good time to think about coming up with a plan to treat acne.Dr. Diwan reminds her patients that even with treatment, “it takes six weeks to start to see an improvement in acne.” Acne treatments take time to work, and in some cases, more than one treatment may be necessary.
With special moments like Homecoming, Prom and Senior portraits on the horizon, it is important to start early. “Too often, patients present for treatment one or two weeks before and there isn’t enough time to turn things around,” warns Dr. Diwan. By establishing a treatment plan now, you can increase your likelihood of a clean and clear complexion come your big event.
The most effective acne treatments target excess oil production. Produced in excess during puberty, the influx of oil clogs pores and traps bacteria, dirt, and dead skin within the pores. Chemical peels, like theObagi® Blue Peel Radiance™, take care of impurities by cleaning pores and sloughing away the superficial layers of damaged skin cells. A salicylic acid – based peel, Obagi’s Radiance peel reduces the presence of oil and bacteria and unclogs and decongests pores. As old, lackluster skin cells flake away, so too do complexion irregularities and blemishes. After your skin has healed from your chemical peel, you will have a cleaner and dewier complexion.
Acne scarring lasts far longer than any breakout. Once their acne is under control, many of Dr. Diwan’s patients choose to fade residual scarring through a series of laser treatments. Our Gemini laser helps to fade red scars andCO2RE® Laser encourages the growth of new, healthy skin cells and stimulates collagen production. Renewing your complexion from the inside out, you can see improvement in as little as six weeks.
Don’t let acne be an issue this school year. As an experienced dermatologist, Dr. Diwan will help you achieve a clearer and better looking complexion. Please contact The Laser and Skin Surgery Center to learn what treatments are best for you.