Benefits of Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty
Upper eyelid blepharoplasty is a simple and effective procedure that can be beneficial for various goals. Consider the following:
It Provides Long-Lasting Results
If you’re interested in a long-term solution, upper eyelid blepharoplasty provides long-lasting results. This means there is no need to return for future procedures or follow-up treatments. Many patients may prefer this over other treatments, which may require repeated appointments to maintain results.
It Can Improve Eyesight
With age, the forehead and upper eyelids can begin to sag and droop down over the eye, obstructing the vision. Not only is this frustrating, but it can also be dangerous. An upper eyelid blepharoplasty can remove this excess skin and open the eye area up. This improves eyesight and is also much more comfortable for the patient.
It Can Help the Eyes Appear More Youthful
An upper eyelid blepharoplasty can also tighten the skin around the upper eyelid, effectively lifting the eyelid and opening the area around the eye. When the eyes are open and “awake,” it gives the person a refreshed, rejuvenated look. This can make the eyes appear brighter and more youthful. It can also minimize any lines and sagging skin that may have been contributing to signs of aging.
It Improves Confidence
One of the biggest benefits of this procedure is that it can improve confidence. Many of the major concerns an upper eyelid blepharoplasty addresses, such as drooping eyelids and signs of aging, can lead to feelings of insecurity. By providing a long-term solution, patients can receive a long-lasting solution and a boost of confidence in their appearance moving forward.
Schedule a Blepharoplasty Consultation
If you’re interested in an upper eyelid blepharoplasty in Westlake, OH, schedule a consultation with Renuka Diwan, MD, FAAD, at the Laser & Skin Surgery Center. Dr. Diwan can discuss your concerns and help you decide if you are a candidate for the procedure. Contact the office today at 440-871-9832 or request an appointment online.