Liposuction 101: What You Need to Know

Liposuction Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that has been changing lives for decades. This procedure aims to provide you with a slimmer, more contoured figure. It does this by using suction to remove any unwanted fat under the skin in different areas of the body. 

Advantages to Liposuction 

Boosts Self-Confidence 

Liposuction can give a boost to your self-confidence so that you can look and feel your best. 

Long-Lasting Results

When paired with a healthy diet and regular exercise, liposuction can give you long-lasting results that you can benefit from for the rest of your life. 

Provides a More Contoured Figure

You are left with a slimmer, more contoured figure by eliminating excess fat deposits in the body. 

Am I a Good Candidate for Liposuction? 

Some key factors indicate if you are a good candidate for liposuction.

  • You have isolated fat deposits on the face, body, or neck
  • The fat deposits do not shrink at all, even with a proper exercise and diet
  • You are within 20% of your ideal body weight 
  • You are seeking a way to achieve a slimmer, more defined body that has less body fat
  • You are in good general health and not on blood thinners

What Is the Recovery Time? 

Bruising is usually not prominent and often is minimal. Swelling and some bruising are typical for the weeks following your surgery. These subside gradually over the next few weeks, and you should be able to return to work (non-strenuous) within three days of your procedure. 

Physical activity should be kept to a minimum for the first week following your procedure. After the first week, your activity level can gradually increase for the next five weeks. 

Book Your Liposuction At The Laser & Skin Surgery Center 

At The Laser & Skin Surgery Center in Westlake, OH, we pride ourselves in giving our patients world-class care and a highly-individualized experience. We are a progressive practice that offers the safest procedures while welcoming newer treatment methods that are changing the world of medicine. 

Our team is led by Dr. Renuka Diwan, a board-certified dermatologist, fellowship-trained dermatologic surgeon, and cosmetic dermatologist. Her goal is to “create a discernable difference that is age-appropriate and gives the patient back his/her self-confidence.” 

If interested, call us at 440-871-9832 or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation.

Achieve Your Ideal Body Shape With Liposuction

Model with a sports figure in black one piece bodysuit Sometimes a healthy diet and exercise plan aren’t enough to get rid of the last bit of stubborn fat. However, there is a solution. Dr. Diwan at the Laser and Skin Surgery Center can help you achieve your body shape goals with liposuction.

Is Liposuction Right for You?

Do you have isolated pockets of fat that won’t go away regardless of your exercise and diet routine? If the answer is yes, liposuction may be the ideal solution.

Good candidates for a liposuction procedure meet the following criteria.

  • In good health and above the age of 18 years
  • Have stubborn areas of fat / bulges that make you self-conscious in clothes
  • At or close to ideal body weight
  • Realistic expectations – doesn’t make someone thin or lose weight, makes more proportionate
  • Committed to maintaining a healthy weight via diet and exercise

Our patients typically only require one treatment. CoolSculpting® and Ultrashape procedures often require multiple visits. Patients are awake during the procedure which shortens the recovery time. Most of our patients return to work within three days.

Liposuction is not recommended for individuals with cardiac risk factors. It is also not a solution to replace diabetic medications or to help control Diabetes.

We Offer Tumescent Liposuction

Dr. Diwan utilizes the highly successful tumescent technique for liposuction. This technique improves the shape of the body by removing stubborn fat in areas such as a double chin, the stomach, hips, buttocks, thighs, and knees. The tumescent liposuction procedure allows for safe and painless removal of fat in the office with local anesthesia.

Tumescent liposuction allows for a quicker recovery period than other forms of liposuction and cosmetic fat reduction. Most patients have minimal bruising. After the swelling subsides, typically within a few weeks, you will notice a healthy body shape and contours. With diet and exercise, our patients can maintain their new body shapes for years.

Contact Laser and Skin Surgery Center Today

To learn more about liposuction and if the procedure is right for you, contact Laser and Skin Surgery Center in Westlake, OH online or call our office at 440-871-9832 to schedule an appointment.