Dr. Renuka Diwan MD, FAAD
(*) Disclaimers: before & after photos on this website are from specific patients. Results may vary by person. Schedule a personalized consultation with our doctor to learn more.
Choose a Gallery: Acne ScarsBlepharoplastyBlepharoplasty For MenBOTOX® CosmeticBOTOX® Cosmetic For MenBrow LiftCellulite ReductionChemical PeelChin AugmentationCombo Procedures - FaceCoolSculpting®CoolSculpting® For MenCrows Feet CreasesCrows Feet Creases For MenDark CirclesEar SurgeryEarlobe SurgeryFaceliftFacelift For MenForehead CreasesFrown linesFrown lines For MenGummy SmileHand AugmentationIPLIPL For MenJawline AugmentationJuvederm / FillersJuvéderm® XCKybellaLaser for Veins and RednessLaser for Veins and Redness For MenLaser Hair removalLaser Skin ResurfacingLaser Skin Resurfacing For MenLaser Skin Resurfacing - FaceLasers for Brown SpotsLasers for Brown Spots For MenLasers for RhinophymaLip AugmentationLiposuctionLiposuction For MenLips and MouthLoss of FullnessMarionette LinesMicroneedlingMole RemovalMole Removal For MenNeck CreasesNon-Surgical RhinoplastyScar RevisionScarsSkin TighteningSmile LinesSmile Lines For MenStretch MarksSurgicalTattoo RemovalUpneeqVeins on Legs
Click on the before and after sets below to get more details on each case.